Welcome to Rally Rescue


We are in the process of building our new fencing & kennels, but we need your help!

We currently have multiple dogs available and ready for their new homes - but we do not have a full facility set up! We need the help of the community to build out a proper facility to keep our pups safe and cozy. Click the link below to donate!


who we are

We’re Dave and Alex, two native Texans living on a big ranch doing everything we can to help the tens of millions of stray dogs residing in our state. Our common goal, to help people help animals, is the seed of what Rally Rescue is all about. With a curated team of animal welfare experts, we’re leaning into a problem that, while we may not be able to save every dog, we can make an impact. Every life counts and we’re here to help any way we can.

Learn about our mission


The rally ranch dogs

All of our dogs come to us from the streets of rural Texas. We don’t choose any dogs here based on their breed, temperament, or adoptability, we have the dogs who need us the most. Every dog we have at the ranch has found it’s way to us, either on their own, or through the community of supporters who have the same vision as we do - work towards a future free of overpopulation and suffering for all animals.

Find your new best friend →



We have many opportunities for you to help us and the dogs we care for at the Rally Ranch. From walking dogs and cleaning to facility design and building, we need your help! Please reach out and let us know of any special skills, business, or tools you may have to help us make Rally Rescue the best it can be.

Volunteer with us →



There are many ways you can help the Rally Ranch dogs. From donating and volunteering to sponsorships and events. If you would like to do something for Rally Rescue, please reach out to us anytime!

Contact us →